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Wednesday, 4 December 2013

How to Hide Files and Folder on your Computer - No Software Needed.

There are some files and folders that are personal to you. You don’t want them to be visible to other parties. Each and everyone of us have is own reason for hiding files. Whatever the reason maybe, we just want to hide our files, simple!

How to hide files and folder on your computer without any software

Many software are available in the market that you can use to hide your files. While some of this software are free, some are to be paid for. However, we can still hide our files without the use of software, and that is what we want to discuss now!

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How to hide files and folder without software

  • Select the folder(s) or the file(s); Hold down the CTRL key while selecting the folders and files. Otherwise, if the folders and files are in a chronological array, then you click on the first file while holding the SHIFT key then click on the last file.
  • Right click on the selected files and click on properties.
  • At the bottom of the window that opens to you, mark the hidden box and then click on Apply.

How to hide files and folder on your computer without any software

By now, your folders and files should be hidden!

Must Read: How to Edit Some Basic Features of Opera Mini 4 Browser.

Over to you.

Which other way did you use to hide your items? If you use software, which is the best for you? Use the comment box to share your thought with us. Your comments  are highly appreciated.

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  1. haha thats cool i was wondering how i could do this, thanks

    1. Thanks for stopping by GossipMoms. Do visit again...

  2. So if want the file back... what will i do

  3. So, how can one restore the hidden folder?

  4. Hi Abey Sun, to restore the hidden folder; On windows 8 you just have to click on the View Tab on the ribbon and then mark the hidden box.
    Every hidden item will now be available for you to see.

    On windows 7, go to where you hide the file or folder. On the toolbar, click on Organize. The tool is below the menu bar. scroll down to folder and search option in the drop down menu and then click on the view tab.

    Under the advance settings, select the option that says show all hidden item. Then click on apply. You hidden files and folder should be available for you to see.

    Thanks for commenting, do have a love even....

  5. Very informative and well written post! Quite interesting and nice topic chosen for the post.

  6. Hi Mr Spareparts, I'm glad you found this post informative and knowledgable. Thanks for stopping by. Do visit again.

  7. Thank you very much for your help.You have wrote a nice and described article which gonna help me.


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