
Thursday, 3 January 2013

How to mod Opera Mini 4.

Introduction: Opera Mini is an internet browser widely used by mobile and pc users today. It is known for its connecting speed, colourful interface, and some other interesting features.

This Tutorial is to show you how to modify some features of this popularly known browser to suit your taste. At the end of this tutorial, you should be able to modify the following features;
  • The name of the browser and its Icon
  • The Loading text
  • Installing text
  • Connecting and Processing text
  • The browsers title.


  • Blueftp
  • Opera Mini (Unmodified one) in .zip format
  • Class Editor

Difficulty: Medium

Method: I believe you should have gotten all the requirements above ready. If so, let’s start by changing Icon and the browser’s name. You might as well need to read HOW TO EXTRACT ZIP ARCHIVE FILES USING BLUEFTP. before you continue.

Changing the Icon

Extract the contents in the opera mini into a new folder. From the contents you extracted from the zip archive opera mini, locate the image with the name `i.png’ and delete it. Create an icon not larger than 50kb in size – depending on the resolution of the image, I would prefer you crop your image to 42x29 pixels. Rename the image to `i.png’ and copy it to the folder where you extracted the opera mini. Now, you’ve just change the icon of the browser.

Changing the browser’s name

The detail of the opera mini such as the Name, Vendor, Version, server and so on is located in the folder META INF which contain the file

To change the name of the browser, open your class editor and locate the folder where you extracted the opera mini, locate the folder META INF. Open the folder and click on the file

Carefully scroll down using key 2, 4, 6, and 8 to navigate while searching for Midlet – Name look at the screenshot below.

Highlight the name of the opera mini just as you have seen in the picture above. Have you highlighted the name? Press 5 three times and scroll down to select TEXT. Now input your desire text to replace the one you’ve just deleted. Press 4 to see your edit.

Changing the server name

Still in the same file, scroll downward using key 8 and lookout for Highlight the address and press 5 three times, select TEXT and input your desire server.

NOTE: This is applicable to opera mini handler only.

If you wish, with patient, you can also edit some other things in the file. Just be careful about what you edit and remember to save your edits by pressing option and clicking on Save.

Changing some features in the v class

In the v class, you can edit the following:

  • Loading
  • Installing and Connecting
  • Processing and the title of the opera mini.

When changing the name of the opera mini, you’ll notice that the method used in replacing the text is elimination method i.e you’re not bothered about the number of character that make up the text. In this v class, the method to be used is known as substitution method, you replace text with exact number of character you deleted.

To edit Loading, processing, connecting and installing

There are two type of Loading in this file. The first one is displayed when you launch your opera mini, while the second one is displayed when you’re downloading information from a webpage.

Open the v class file and navigate downward searching for Loading. For easy access, press key 9 and input Loading in the text box, then press option >> ok and press 4. You’ve seen it? Ok. The first Loading you saw is the one that appears when you’re downloading information from a webpage. Highlight the text as in the screenshot below.

Press 5 thrice and select text.

Wait! When you count the number alphabet that make up Loading you’ll see that it is 7 in number. So, input your desire text to replace the one you deleted. Remember, it must be 7 in number. Press option >> ok and press 4 to see your work. That’s for the first Loading text.

Search again for Loading by pressing 9, this time, the Loading that appears to you is the displayed when you launch your opera mini after successful installation. Use the same method for editing the first Loading to edit this one too.

The same process goes for editing processing, connecting and installing. You can always search for each text using the 9 key.

To edit the browser’s title

This is the name displayed at the top bar of the opera mini’s homepage. See in the screenshot below.

The total number of character in the opera mini’s title is 10 i.e. Opera = 5, Mini = 4, the space between them = 1, Total = 10. Edit it using the previous method and save your work

Exit the class editor and open Blueftp and locate the folder you’ve been working on, highlight all content in the folder and press Menu, scroll down and click on compress to jar. Give it the name you want and press Ok. Press Yes whenever it is prompted until you’re done then close the Blueftp.

Finally, go to your phone memory and locate the file you just compress, rename it from xxx_jar to xxx.jar and save it. Note: xxx is the name you give the file when compressing it. Launch the opera mini and see your work.


In programming, software is designed for universal use. Therefore, I would advice when editing some of this feature, make sure it can be used by other users. Enjoy.

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